
along an empty street that was the last one I needed to: go
down to get home ..The street waa. relatively quiet,and a car
passing by was reason for notice.Well,while I was watching
a, car roll- around the corner,I was shocked to hell to see
a live body get thrown out of the car.I couldn't do anything
about the car or the person,so I just went over to the per-
son and checked to see if she was all right.I couldn't quite
pick out any facial characteristics yet,but the voice was
familiar out of somewhere.lt didn't sound like Paula Dixon,
so this, proved that palmist wrong,but the voice, did sound
very familiar*
"Are you okay?"
"Of course I am,I'm used to being thrown out of cars
like that.."she said sarcastically.She was-layed out on the
ground like a dead cowboy in an old western.
"Should I go, get help,or are you all right?"
I'll be okay,but I'm all scratched up."
"Then I'll take you. to, my place and fix you up."I was
doing; something; very stupid mow-1 was bringing a total
stranger into my apartment.She awasn' t so bad that she could-
n't walk,so she was walking next to me.I hadn't even taken
the time to look at her face yet,and when it flashed in fronfct
of me in a headlight of a car.It looked so familiar,but it couldn* t be.I'd have to wait to see if another car would pass and I could see her-gace again.Up ahead i saw a streetlight
■ that we would soon pass under.As we. passed under it,she said
something that I didn't hear until after she said it.I saw
her face,and then she said,'My name is Paula Dixon,what.' s
yours?*Them we both stopped under the light and looked at
each other.
"Mark Thomas."I'm not sure if she didn't remember me
or if she was just very surprused to see me.Prohabit the lat-
ter-,but I dodn' t bother to ask.
"Oh God,is that; you?"she said as if she'd run away if
I said yes.
- Author
- mark thomas